- 摘要
本研究為一學期跨文化電子郵件交流計畫,其目的在使英語學習 者透過電子郵件寫作的溝通,學習到不同的文化經驗。除此之外,本研 究亦讓英語學習者有不同的機會來學習英語。本研究受試者為三十位台 灣大學生及三十位韓國大學生,他們的英語程度背景相似。其受試者在 電子郵件中的表達方式將由情意,行為,認知三方面來分析。此外,台 灣學生的態度,英語學習動機,遇見的困難及解決方式將透過質性與量 化的方式來探討。所收集的資料包含有學生的背景調查問卷,電子郵件 文件,文化態度問卷,事後回饋問卷,及訪談資料。其結果顯示在電子 郵件中,台灣與韓國大學生皆最常使用認知能力,代表兩組學生皆對彼 此的文化表達高度的好奇心。此外,台灣學生對於本次交流抱持積極參 與的態度,同時也增進了英語學習動機。對於所面臨到的困難與解決方 式,台灣學生除了忽略問題之外,亦會尋求同儕及教師的幫助。從以上 研究結果發現,電腦科技可以協助教學與學習更有意義並且可以提供學 習者不同的方式來 學習語言。 - 目錄
Chapter One Introduction Statement of the Problem Significance of the Study Term Definition Organization of the Study Purpose of the Study Research Questions Chapter Two Review of the Literature Intercultural Communication through NS-NNS/NNS-NNS Interactions Technology in the Second/Foreign Language Classroom Effectiveness of technology use in the classroom. Disadvantages of technology use in the classroom. Opportunities in technology-mediated learning contexts. Challenges for language teachers in the twenty-first century. Attitudes and Motivation in Foreign Language Learning Gardner's learning model of second language acquisition. Intercultural Model Intercultural E-Mail Exchange Chapter Three Methodology Learning Environments of the Two Partner Universities Participants Establishing Connections for Cross-Cultural Exchange Instruments The General Background Questionnaire (GBQ) and the Technology Use Questionnaire (TUQ). Preexchange and postexchange survey of students' attitudes toward other cultures. Postexchange survey of students' reflections on the project. Courses Writing Project (2 Parts) Procedures Data Collection and Analysis Chapter Four Results and Discussion Background Information Discussion of Topics Frequency of Interaction Lack of confidence in English. Empathy. Discussion Willingness to learn the Korean language. Attitudes towards cultural learning. Students' willingness to communicate. Travel or study in South Korea. Respect for other cultures. Effect of e-mail exchange on students' English learning motivation. Discussion of English learning motivation. Students' feedback on the e-mail exchange project. Discussion of students' feedback. Discussion of difficulties and solutions. Chapter Five Conclusion Summary of the Study Pedagogical Implications Recommendations for Future Studies References Appendix 1 Part 1: General Background Questionnaire Appendix 2 Part 2 : Technology Use Questionnaire Appendix 3 Exchange survey for students' attitude towards different cultures Appendix 4 Exchange survey for students' reflections towards this project Appendix 5 Interview questions